The Groov Cosmos
The Groov Cosmos (2010) is a musical action adventure that takes the aesthetics and standards of musical interaction established in my first game, Groov, and integrates them into a fully-realized fictional universe. I began development by creating a music game engine (the “Cosmos Engine”) in C# for my Yale senior thesis in Computing and the Arts. I continued to work on the game for about a year after graduating before realizing my ambitions were too high for what I was able to accomplish at the time.
In graduate school at USC, I continued working on The Groov Cosmos by fleshing out details of the characters and story, but other than that the project is no longer under development. Still, creating my own engine and toolset in C# was a tremendous learning experience. In working on The Groov Cosmos, I learned many skills I have used and built upon since then - and I have much nicer engines to work with now too!
I would love to revisit this project some day, but it’s not at the top of my to-do list either.