Space Maestro
Space Maestro is a visual music experience for the Microsoft Kinect. It was Jake Jonghwa Kim's MFA thesis project in the Interactive Media and Games Division at USC's School of Cinematic Arts. Space Maestro was a shown at the Indiecade booth at E3 2013 and was a finalist in the 2013 Microsoft Imagine Cup.
The experience aims to position between interactive installations in gallery space and performance art in public space. It is a single player experience that takes about 5 to 8 minutes to finish, divided into four acts. The progression of interaction, music, and visual between acts shapes the overarching emotional arc.
My role in this project was audio director. I acted as a bridge between the design and composing teams, working to integrate the game systems with the music that our composers produced.
My teammates on this project were Jake Jonghwa Kim (creative director), Alexa Bona Kim (producer), Mike Murdock (art director) and Steven Gernes, David Bertok and Michelle Lee (composers).